Our Vision Quality Production Services Expansion  

We will be adding more complex on the 100,000m ² new plant as production, warehouse and dormitory so as to maximize the output and automation facilities in the next two years. Our management and service team will focus on the automation new technology and more importantly in its ability and competence through training, innovation, knowledge sharing and system optimization.

《 展 廳 》
《 一 車 間 》
《 二 車 間 》
《 寶 月 分 公 司 》

《 生 產 車 間

《 倉 庫 》
《啤 機 部》
《 吹 塑 部 》
《 噴 油 部 》
《 電 子 部 》
《 QA 部 》

《 榮 譽 證 書 》
We will continue to develop and invest in the latest technology to strengthen our production capability.

Our existing machineries include:
2 E.D.M. Machines
6 Milling Machines
3 Latching Machines
2 Grinding Machines
10 Sonic Welding Machines
13 Bonding Machines
66 Injection Molding Machines
5 Blow Mold Machines

CopyRight (C) 2015. Vun Fat Industrial (HK) Co.,Ltd. Tel: (852) 2615 1623